readmealignmentaspect ratiosbackgroundsbordersbox shadowscolorscontainerscursorcustom classesdisplayflexboxfontsgridline heightmarginsopacitypaddingpositionsprefixesscrolltext transformthemesvariableswhitespace

Custom Themes

Custom themes allow you to override any CSS variable based on the <html> elements [theme] attribute. Note that the dark and light themes can be explicitly set using the [theme] attribute but also can be set by a user's OS when the [theme="auto"] attribute is used.


themes: {
    dark: {
        dashboard: "var(--neutral-700)",
    light: {
        dashboard: "var(--neutral-300)",
    brand: {
        dashboard: "var(--red-700)",


    --dashboard: var(--red-700);

:root[theme="dark"] {
    --dashboard: var(--neutral-700);
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    :root[theme="auto"] {
        --dashboard: var(--neutral-700);

:root[theme="light"] {
        --dashboard: var(--neutral-300);
@media (prefers-color-scheme: light) {
    :root[theme="auto"] {
        --dashboard: var(--neutral-300);

Note: the dashboard variable is not a default variable within Brixi. If you would like to use thebg-dashboard class you would need to provide a fallback value in the colors section of the config.