readmealignmentaspect ratiosbackgroundsbordersbox shadowscolorscontainerscursorcustom classesdisplayflexboxfontsgridline heightmarginsopacitypaddingpositionsprefixesscrolltext transformthemesvariableswhitespace


A lightweight highly configurable utility-first CSS framework.


Install the npm package

npm i -S brixi

Add the startup script to your package.json file

"brixi": "brixi"

Run the script

npm run brixi

Or use the CDN version:

<link href="^0.8/brixi.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Note: the CDN version of Brixi is massive (75kB). It includes dark: prefix support along with a slew of responsive resizing prefixes. Click here to view the config file.


Below is the default config file. Any value can be overridden by adding a brixi.config.js file to your project's root directory.

module.exports = {
    outDir: "./brixi",
    important: true,
    output: "production",
    baseUnit: "rem",
    features: {
        aspectRatios: true,
        containers: true,
        cursors: true,
        flexbox: true,
        grid: true,
        lineHeight: true,
        margin: true,
        padding: true,
        scroll: true,
        shadows: true,
        positions: true,
        backgrounds: true,
        alignment: true,
        whitespace: true,
        textTransforms: true,
        display: true,
        opacity: true,
        fontColors: true,
        fontSizes: true,
        fontWeights: true,
        fontFamilies: true,
        borderRadius: true,
        borderWidths: true,
        borderColors: true,
        borderStyles: true,
    fonts: {
        units: "rem",
        families: {
            "sans-serif": "system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif",
            serif: "Georgia, Cambria, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif",
            mono: "Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, 'Liberation Mono', 'Courier New', monospace",
        weights: {
            hairline: 100,
            thin: 200,
            light: 300,
            regular: 400,
            medium: 500,
            semibold: 600,
            bold: 700,
            heavy: 800,
            black: 900,
        sizes: {
            xs: 0.75,
            sm: 0.875,
            base: 1,
            md: 1.125,
            lg: 1.25,
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    colors: {
        white: "#ffffff",
        black: "#000000",
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            50: "#F8FAFC",
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            300: "#CBD5E1",
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            50: "#F9FAFB",
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            50: "#FAFAFA",
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            50: "#FAFAFA",
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            50: "#FFFBEB",
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            50: "#F7FEE7",
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            500: "#84CC16",
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            900: "#365314",
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            50: "#F0FDF4",
            100: "#DCFCE7",
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            300: "#86EFAC",
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            500: "#22C55E",
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            700: "#15803D",
            800: "#166534",
            900: "#14532D",
        emerald: {
            50: "#ECFDF5",
            100: "#D1FAE5",
            200: "#A7F3D0",
            300: "#6EE7B7",
            400: "#34D399",
            500: "#10B981",
            600: "#059669",
            700: "#047857",
            800: "#065F46",
            900: "#064E3B",
        teal: {
            50: "#F0FDFA",
            100: "#CCFBF1",
            200: "#99F6E4",
            300: "#5EEAD4",
            400: "#2DD4BF",
            500: "#14B8A6",
            600: "#0D9488",
            700: "#0F766E",
            800: "#115E59",
            900: "#134E4A",
        cyan: {
            50: "#ECFEFF",
            100: "#CFFAFE",
            200: "#A5F3FC",
            300: "#67E8F9",
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            500: "#06B6D4",
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            700: "#0E7490",
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            50: "#F0F9FF",
            100: "#E0F2FE",
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            300: "#7DD3FC",
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            500: "#0EA5E9",
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            700: "#0369A1",
            800: "#075985",
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        blue: {
            50: "#EFF6FF",
            100: "#DBEAFE",
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            300: "#93C5FD",
            400: "#60A5FA",
            500: "#3B82F6",
            600: "#2563EB",
            700: "#1D4ED8",
            800: "#1E40AF",
            900: "#1E3A8A",
        indigo: {
            50: "#EEF2FF",
            100: "#E0E7FF",
            200: "#C7D2FE",
            300: "#A5B4FC",
            400: "#818CF8",
            500: "#6366F1",
            600: "#4F46E5",
            700: "#4338CA",
            800: "#3730A3",
            900: "#312E81",
        violet: {
            50: "#F5F3FF",
            100: "#EDE9FE",
            200: "#DDD6FE",
            300: "#C4B5FD",
            400: "#A78BFA",
            500: "#8B5CF6",
            600: "#7C3AED",
            700: "#6D28D9",
            800: "#5B21B6",
            900: "#4C1D95",
        purple: {
            50: "#FAF5FF",
            100: "#F3E8FF",
            200: "#E9D5FF",
            300: "#D8B4FE",
            400: "#C084FC",
            500: "#A855F7",
            600: "#9333EA",
            700: "#7E22CE",
            800: "#6B21A8",
            900: "#581C87",
        fuchsia: {
            50: "#FDF4FF",
            100: "#FAE8FF",
            200: "#F5D0FE",
            300: "#F0ABFC",
            400: "#E879F9",
            500: "#D946EF",
            600: "#C026D3",
            700: "#A21CAF",
            800: "#86198F",
            900: "#701A75",
        pink: {
            50: "#FDF2F8",
            100: "#FCE7F3",
            200: "#FBCFE8",
            300: "#F9A8D4",
            400: "#F472B6",
            500: "#EC4899",
            600: "#DB2777",
            700: "#BE185D",
            800: "#9D174D",
            900: "#831843",
        rose: {
            50: "#FFF1F2",
            100: "#FFE4E6",
            200: "#FECDD3",
            300: "#FDA4AF",
            400: "#FB7185",
            500: "#F43F5E",
            600: "#E11D48",
            700: "#BE123C",
            800: "#9F1239",
            900: "#881337",
        primary: {
            50: "var(--blue-50)",
            100: "var(--blue-100)",
            200: "var(--blue-200)",
            300: "var(--blue-300)",
            400: "var(--blue-400)",
            500: "var(--blue-500)",
            600: "var(--blue-600)",
            700: "var(--blue-700)",
            800: "var(--blue-800)",
            900: "var(--blue-900)",
        success: {
            50: "var(--green-50)",
            100: "var(--green-100)",
            200: "var(--green-200)",
            300: "var(--green-300)",
            400: "var(--green-400)",
            500: "var(--green-500)",
            600: "var(--green-600)",
            700: "var(--green-700)",
            800: "var(--green-800)",
            900: "var(--green-900)",
        danger: {
            50: "var(--red-50)",
            100: "var(--red-100)",
            200: "var(--red-200)",
            300: "var(--red-300)",
            400: "var(--red-400)",
            500: "var(--red-500)",
            600: "var(--red-600)",
            700: "var(--red-700)",
            800: "var(--red-800)",
            900: "var(--red-900)",
        warning: {
            50: "var(--amber-50)",
            100: "var(--amber-100)",
            200: "var(--amber-200)",
            300: "var(--amber-300)",
            400: "var(--amber-400)",
            500: "var(--amber-500)",
            600: "var(--amber-600)",
            700: "var(--amber-700)",
            800: "var(--amber-800)",
            900: "var(--amber-900)",
    margins: [0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 4, 5, 6],
    padding: [0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 4, 5, 6],
    positions: [0],
    borders: {
        units: "px",
        styles: ["solid", "dashed", "dotted"],
        widths: [0, 1, 2],
        radius: [0.125, 0.25, 0.5],
    shadows: {
        colors: {
            black: "0deg 0% 0%",
        sizes: {
            sm: `
                0px 1px 3px hsl(var(--shadow-color) / 0.15)
            md: `
                0px 2px 2px hsl(var(--shadow-color) / 0.05),
                0px 4px 4px hsl(var(--shadow-color) / 0.05),
                0px 8px 8px hsl(var(--shadow-color) / 0.1)
            lg: `
                0px 2px 2px hsl(var(--shadow-color) / 0.05),
                0px 4px 4px hsl(var(--shadow-color) / 0.05),
                0px 8px 8px hsl(var(--shadow-color) / 0.05),
                0px 16px 16px hsl(var(--shadow-color) / 0.05),
                0px 32px 32px hsl(var(--shadow-color) / 0.05)
            xl: `
                0px 2px 2px hsl(var(--shadow-color) / 0.05),
                0px 4px 4px hsl(var(--shadow-color) / 0.05),
                0px 8px 8px hsl(var(--shadow-color) / 0.05),
                0px 16px 16px hsl(var(--shadow-color) / 0.05),
                0px 32px 32px hsl(var(--shadow-color) / 0.05),
                0px 48px 48px hsl(var(--shadow-color) / 0.05),
                0px 64px 64px hsl(var(--shadow-color) / 0.05)
    containers: {
        units: "px",
        screens: {
            320: 320,
            411: 411,
            768: 768,
            1024: 1024,
            1280: 1280,
            1920: 1920,
        columns: [2, 3, 4],
    gaps: [1, 1.5, 2],
    easings: {
        "in-out": "0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1",
        in: "0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 1",
        out: "0.4, 0.0, 1, 1",
        bounce: "0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275",
    aspectRatios: ["16:9", "4:3", "1:1"],
    variables: {},
    themes: {},
    classes: {},
    opacity: [0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 0.87],
    prefixes: {},


MIT Licensed. Default colors from Tailwind CSS. Shadows based on this blog post by Joshua Comeau.